Oh, October. How I have missed you! In my world, haunting and horror is a year-round passion. There is something special about this time of year. Trees start changing color. There is a chill in the air. And all the… Continue Reading →
I had five seconds to make a choice, a life-or-death decision, one that would affect a friend and myself for eternity. The purple bar shortened, indicating the time left. I pressed the button quickly, damning that character to a tortuous… Continue Reading →
I’m Cass Teague and I love geek culture. I am a new writer for ZIMB and I plan to bring my own unique perspective to the site. I welcome feedback, so I can make this a dialogue with YOU rather… Continue Reading →
Hollywood is fixated with pre-sold movies. For the unfamiliar, a pre-sold movie is any movie that is a sequel, prequel, adaptation or remake. The idea is that familiar productions cause increased interest and generate greater ticket sales. Tinseltown makes big… Continue Reading →
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