Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag necromancy

Blumhouse’s Compendium of Horror Gets Historically Spooky!

Per Matt Eli Roth isn’t the only filmmaker allowed to explore the history of big-screen horrors. Just in time for the spooky season, EPIX has released a five-part documentary series exploring Blumhouse’s Compendium of Horror.

Jackie Daytona, Great Guests Propel Shadows to the 2020 Emmys

Per Matt Recognition is something everybody covets, whether it’s from our peers or our employers. We all want to be told that we’re doing a good job and that others have noticed. This may be more true for those in… Continue Reading →

Mark Hamill Visits the Dark Side of Shadows

Per Matt Luke Skywalker joins a new franchise? You want the impossible.

Paperbacks From Hell is a Killer Read

Per Matt Growing up, long before dial-up modems were a thing and the internet was confined to the military’s ARPANET, the only way to access the information superhighway was by visiting the neighborhood drug store, grocery store and bookstore, where… Continue Reading →

Stephen King’s Fantasy Western Brought to Life

Stephen King is known as the unrivaled master of horror. Of his fifty-six novels, most fall into this category. Within the first decade of his works, King wrote exclusively in the genres of horror, thriller and science fiction, often combining… Continue Reading →

WrestleMania Meets The Walking Dead: Pro Wrestlers vs. Zombies

Now, if a title like that doesn’t grab you attention, nothing will. Welcome back to a new installment of #HauntLife. Today we get to talk about Pro Wrestlers vs. Zombies, a Troma film that puts two of my favorite things… Continue Reading →

True Monsters

Just in time for Halloween, a new TV show explores the surprising truths and devilish secrets behind popular legends, folklore and the paranormal, proving that sometimes truth can be stranger than fiction…

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