Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag nick fury

Catching Up With: Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Tonight, Marvel’s Agent Carter premieres on ABC, so we thought now would be a great time to get up to speed with all of our previously-missed episodes of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Previewing Nashville’s Marvel Universe LIVE!

Per Matt Some of Earth’s greatest Super Heroes and Villains will be brought together by a colossal adventure, with the universe’s fate lying in the balance at Marvel Universe LIVE!

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Per Matt The Marvel Cinematic Universe keeps expanding, getting bigger and better!

Marvel Zombies: Destroy!

How can the Marvel Zombies Universe get any more bizarre? Incorporate Nazi Zombies into the storyline and see what happens!

Marvel Avengers: The Ultimate Character Guide

Who are the people in the Marvel Universe neighborhood?

Marvel Zombies 2

After a brief visit to the sideways / parallel universe, Robert Kirkman (The Walking Dead) returns to write a true sequel for the Marvel Zombies. In this storyline, 40 years have passed since the superheroes of Earth-2149 became Zombies. So,… Continue Reading →

Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness

Happening somewhere within the timeline of Marvel Zombies: Dead Days, the mighty Ashley J. Williams (from the Evil Dead feature films) gets rejected from the afterlife and transported into the land of Earth-2149, the world of The Marvel Zombies! FIRST… Continue Reading →

Marvel Zombies: Dead Days

After Robert Kirkman (The Walking Dead) left his undead imprint on the Marvel Universe, creating the highly successful trade paperback Marvel Zombies, a sequel was a certainty. Too much money to ignore. FIRST PRINTING: 2007 In a continuing storyline, Marvel… Continue Reading →

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