Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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The 2024 #HauntLife Movie Awards

Welcome to the 2024 Movie Awards, where the red carpet is optional, the tuxedos are rented (if worn at all) and the categories are as unique as the films they honor. This is not the space for your typical “Best… Continue Reading →

The Hive Offers Swarms of Similarities

The horror genre is rife with films that often seem like mere replicas of one another. For example, in 2005, both The Descent and The Cave told tales of a group of spelunking friends who find themselves pursued by cave-dwelling… Continue Reading →

Will Blind Frog Ranch’s Mystery Remain Unsolved?

What’s the deal with Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch? And is its concept actually based on something factual, or is it simply a whole lotta hype about nothing?

Digging for Clues Reveals More Skinwalker Ranch Mysteries

Paranormal elements including electromagnetic anomalies, unusual phenomena, unidentified flying objects, cattle mutilations, strange radiation emissions, weird science and unexplainable events are just a handful of incidents that have been either witnessed or experienced on Skinwalker Ranch. Housed on a wide-ranging… Continue Reading →

Robert Englund Explores True Terror

Who knew Freddy Krueger was a decent TV host? Through two episodes of the Travel Channel television series, True Terror, the horror icon known as Robert Englund — the actor who previously portrayed the iconic nightmare warrior — hosts and… Continue Reading →

I Lost My Body Reaches for Recognition

Per Matt I Lost My Body is an animated love letter from a severed hand to its missing body. Sounds like an odd art-house horror story, yeah? Actually, it’s an award-winning film from France that’s reaching out for recognition as… Continue Reading →

The Addams Family Gets Animated

Returning to the big screen later this year, The Addams Family get animated with a new movie adaptation.

Have You Been Looking for Some Great Horror Podcasts?

From time to time, I have looked for articles that would tell me where to find the best horror podcasts and for the most part I’ve came up empty. Sure, there is Bloody Disgusting, but I was looking for something… Continue Reading →

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