Per Matt One of the highlights of attending Momocon 2014 was attending the Toonami panel, which happened to feature more than a few big announcements about upcoming programming (including a big one with Funimation) and some great giveaways.
We, at Zombies In My Blog, are big video game fans. And it should be noted, we’re also pretty big Zombie fans, as well. So, it’s a natural to be doubly excited to be attending ScoreCon 3 this weekend in… Continue Reading →
Steve Blum knows how to pack a panel! There was little free room at his MomoCon panel, and it was a joy to attend.
Per My Brother Not long ago, the Two Guys From Andromeda were special guests at the Geek Media Expo volume 4 in Nashville, TN.
Rob Paulsen was a featured guest at the Geek Media Expo Vol. 4 recently. He may not be quickly recognizable in person, but as soon as he speaks, you’ll instantly know his voice. As a voice actor, Paulsen has voiced… Continue Reading →
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