Per Matt During these harrowing times of the COVID-19 pandemic, I turn to survival horror in order to somehow make it through the day. So, I was actually looking forward to finally watching Redcon-1, a British Zombie movie that was… Continue Reading →
Hey, remember the ’90s? Back when every one of Bruce Willis’ movies made $100 million and Brad Pitt was just beginning to flex his acting muscles (that’s Mr. Oscar Winner to you these days). I really feel like Goat Boy,… Continue Reading →
Per Matt Organized crime. Gangsters. The Mafia. Crime lords. The kingpin. A mob boss. Hitmen. A made man. Wise guys. Every element depicting the true-crime aspect of America’s (and Italy’s) not-long-ago past always intrigues me, so I was very curious… Continue Reading →
Per Matt Hollywood loves a comeback story — especially if it’s full of revenge! Season 3 of Get Shorty seems to follow that storyline arc, satirizing show business and definitely bringing darkness to this black comedy. Just don’t expect an… Continue Reading →
Through 15 episodes, Final Space has created bizarre situations for its characters, along with some pretty good laughs, but the animated galactic sci-fi show shines when it deals with family ties. In fact, its sad episodes are much more effective… Continue Reading →
Per Matt As the opening quote by Alfred Hitchcock sets the tone for the series premiere of Perpetual Grace, LTD, the modern noir drama opens as a son is disowned by his parents, looking for a disillusioned random person to… Continue Reading →
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COVID-19 Turned The Platform From Fiction to Fact
It’s a strange time, across the world right now. COVID-19, a form of the Coronavirus, is wrecking havoc on the populace, both from a health standpoint and in its economic impact. People are succumbing to the virus at an alarming… Continue Reading →