Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag puzzle games

Tetris Plays Nostalgically for Gamers of a Certain Age

Per Matt I have a love-hate relationship with Tetris, the video game. One of the first memories I have with it spawned from my high-school computing class. The little Macintosh black-and-white computer screen welcomed me into its gameplay, much like… Continue Reading →

Clues are Unearthed, But Still No Lost Gold of the Aztecs

Patience is a virtue. Uncovering clues takes time and deciphering them can take even more! As three teams attempt to locate a mysterious treasure that’s seemingly always out of reach, I’m left wondering where is the Lost Gold of the… Continue Reading →

Life Interpretations Via Dispatches From Elsewhere

Finding the puzzles hidden within everyday life may be tough enough, but decoding those puzzles, while making accurate interpretations is even harder. So it goes for four ordinary people in Dispatches From Elsewhere.

Making a Life-or-Death Decision: Play or Die!

Per Matt Gamers have gotten a bad rap throughout the years via feature films (and through a variety of TV shows). It takes all kinds of people to make up any sort of generic category, and I contend that you’ll… Continue Reading →

Dispatches From Elsewhere: An Adventure Wrapped in a Mystery, Tied to a Conspiracy?

I’m a little shocked by how I feel after watching two episodes of the new AMC television series Dispatches From Elsewhere. I was blown away by the prospects of the anthology series and what could develop from the first season… Continue Reading →

Video Games Live Interview: Composer Tommy Tallarico

Per Matt Video Games Live is an interactive art form: It’s part symphonic orchestra, part interactive videogame and part rock concert. As a performance, Video Games Live has been seen by more than one million fans around the world. Currently… Continue Reading →

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