Per Matt Jim O’Rear is always up to something.
Per Matt What happens when you combine a half-starved convention attendee with an ominous burger that combines portions of every sandwich in the restaurant?
Per Matt While attending the horror convention, Fatality Fest, we watched the indie horror movie, The Good Sisters, featuring Debbie Rochon and April Burril, written and directed by Jimmyo Burril. After the movie screening, the three gave a brief panel,… Continue Reading →
Per Matt I was a little unsure what to expect from the Alabama Phoenix Festival since I’d never attended this convention before (or any other convention in Alabama, for that matter). Thankfully, it was an amazing convention with a lot… Continue Reading →
Per My Brother: As ScareFest 2012 opened to the public, there was great pomp and circumstance. Members of the Lexington, KY Chamber of Commerce made a brief appearance, then an incredibly detailed Jason of Friday the 13th cut the ceremonial… Continue Reading →
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