Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Season 11

What’s the End Game for TWD: Dead City?

Per Matt As soon as I started watching the Dead City series premiere, I wondered aloud, “How much Negan is too much Negan?” We’re about to find out.

The Walking Dead Rallies the Troops One Last Time

Per Matt The final season of The Walking Dead may be overdrawn, spanning large portions of two separate calendar years. It may be a little long in the tooth. It may have gotten a little too gory at times. It… Continue Reading →

Will The Walking Dead Just Survive Somehow?

I hate Zoom meetings. Wait a minute, let me clarify that statement. While I’m not necessarily a fan of sitting through online virtual calls, I absolutely despise Zoom meetings disguised as TV shows. I get it, in-person options are kinda… Continue Reading →

BattleBots: Bounty Hunters > Fight Night!

Per Matt Mechanical mayhem. Rock ’em sock ’em piles of mass destruction. Metallic shards and scraps flying into the air. Part science class, part reality TV show, these are just a few descriptions of what happens when hundreds of pounds… Continue Reading →

The Ghost Hunters Return: Who’s Watching?

If you’re a fan of the paranormal, you know all about Ghost Hunters. Originally airing on Syfy, Grant Wilson and Jason Hawes co-founded The Atlantic Paranormal Society (T.A.P.S.), while creating a certain set of rules for fellow paranormal researchers to… Continue Reading →

The X-Files: The Truth is Out There… and it is Disappointing!

I’ve waited almost 20 years for closure from The X-Files. Since 1993, I’ve watched Mulder and Scully investigate the darkest and most unbelievable supernatural phenomena, while plumbing the depths of conspiracy theory insanity to find “the truth.” After all the… Continue Reading →

The X-Files Season 11: The Truth is Out There*

*At least that’s what they keep saying. I make no guarantees.

The X-Files: I Want to Believe in Horror

I grew up watching the The X-Files in its original run on Fox. Every Friday night you could find me sitting in the living room floor glued to the television as Mulder and Scully dove into the paranormal and the bizarre… Continue Reading →

Government Revelation Gives Proof That The Truth is Out There?

With the publication of The New York Time‘s bombshell report of a secret Pentagon UFO program, The X-Files is quickly transitioning from science fiction to science fact.

Will Season 11 of The X-Files be Worth the Wait?

For many years, X-Philes wondered if they would ever see another conspiracy investigated by Agents Mulder and Scully after The X-Files was originally cancelled. They looked back with nostalgic fondness and wondered, “What if…”

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