Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag seasonal beers

Tailspin Ale Fest Launches Louisville’s Winter Warmer on March 2nd!

Per Matt Kentucky might be world renowned for its Bourbon Trail, but if you ask the locals employed within its craft-beer scene, a second, fast-growing trend tends to get closely associated with the state’s boozy roots: The winter warmer. This… Continue Reading →

Not ALL Pumpkin Beer is Basic!

Per Matt For many years, children of all ages have enjoyed trick or treating. The anticipation for a surprise… something sweet, something unique and only available one time of year grows the holiday tradition and brings smiles to many faces…. Continue Reading →

Previewing the Way Late Play Date: Dystopian Worlds

Per Matt This is the end. Do you have the necessary skills to become a survivor… or will you become one of the many undead creatures that haunts your hometown? The choice is yours at the Way Late Play Date:… Continue Reading →

Tailgate Beer Celebrates Its One-Year Anniversary in Tennessee

Per Matt Tennessee has officially become Tailgate territory.

Beer with a Brewmaster: Luke Holgate

Per Matt Recently, Hi-Wire Brewing expanded its distribution into Middle Tennessee and it has been a welcome addition to the local craft-beer scene. Offering up both easy-drinking and high-ABV beers, the Asheville-based brewery with the circus theme has quickly won… Continue Reading →

Beer with a Brewmaster: Rich Kilcullen

Per Matt Whenever sour beers are mentioned, a certain funk comes to mind that’s all the rage in the craft-beer culture these days. Living in the South, one of the most well-known producers of sour beers is Wicked Weed Brewing…. Continue Reading →

Previewing Science of Beer at Nashville’s Adventure Science Center

Per Matt A long time ago, in a brewery far, far away, Nashville’s Adventure Science Center fused science and craft-beer together, creating a one-of-a-kind beer festival that celebrates local and American craft beer in a fun and educational event.

Previewing the Green Hills Brew Fest

Per Matt Sips and sounds will be celebrated at the 2015 Green Hills Brew Fest. Middle Tennessee’s first boutique beer festival aims to become a community gathering celebrating great drinks, music and local cheer on Saturday, November 7th from 2… Continue Reading →

Beer with a Brewmaster: Linus Hall

Per Matt When people mention Nashville craft beer, one of the first modern-day breweries to come to mind is usually Yazoo. Middle Tennessee is currently enjoying a thriving craft-beer scene and the brewery has helped foster that prosperous culture throughout… Continue Reading →

What’s Brewing at Mantra Artisan Ales

Per Matt When a celebrity chef joins forces with a mad-scientist brewmaster, the results will surely create a craft-beer paradise.

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