Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Shazam

Dwayne Johnson’s Days in the DC Universe are Doomed

Per Matt Did you happen to catch DC League of Super-Pets or Black Adam in movie theaters this past year? If not, you weren’t alone. Both films underperformed at the post-pandemic box office, hauling in $207 million (on an estimated… Continue Reading →

Black Adam Magnifies Dwayne Johnson’s Acting Strengths

Dwayne Johnson is one of the biggest stars in Hollywood today. I remember as a teenager watching him take on wrestling giants like Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker and Triple H. Now, he takes on critics, toxic fans and… Continue Reading →

Wonder Woman and Harley Quinn Are the Future of the DC Universe

Per Matt It should surprise no one that the DC Extended Universe appears in need of some assistance. Ever since Christopher Reeve donned the blue-and-red tights in 1978 (rest in peace to the influential actor), big-screen success for the comic-book… Continue Reading →

Forget the Past: Superman & Lois is the Perfect Man of Steel Show!

Back in the ’90s, network television was energized with a couple of new attempts to bringing major comic book characters to the viewing masses. When it came to these types of shows, the honors of producing them seemed to be… Continue Reading →

Aquaman Spin-Off to Inject Horror Into DC Universe

The DC Universe is getting a little scarier, as Warner Bros. will release an Aquaman a spin-off movie in the horror vein before Jason Momoa’s title character receives an official sequel.

Aquaman: Diving Deep Into the Story

Unless you’d told me that James Cameron was really making the movie from Entourage Season 3, I never thought I would be this excited to see an Aquaman movie. The hero has often been the butt of jokes in shows… Continue Reading →

Zachary Quinto is In Search of… Something Unusual

Zachary Quinto, previously known for taking on the role of Spock in J.J. Abrams’ rebooted Star Trek franchise, is following the footsteps of Leonard Nimoy once again. He is In Search of… something unusual.

The Power of Shazam!

I didn’t think this Shazam! movie would work. It has a horror director at the helm and up until now, the DCEU has been all gritty, all the time. I am not familiar with the screenwriter’s work and the story… Continue Reading →

DC Entertainment Essential Graphic Novels and Chronology 2015

As if the DC Universe wasn’t convoluted enough, along comes a book to help clarify the situation.

Justice League: Doom

What’s a four-letter word that’s been painfully missing from so many DC animated movies, ever since Justice League Unlimited was cancelled on Cartoon Network?

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