Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag shiny gold thing

Film Masters Offers Seasonal Screams with Beast from Haunted Cave Special Edition

Per Matt Just in time for Halloween, Film Masters releases Beast from Haunted Cave Special Edition, which is sure to add some seasonal screams to the spooky season!

Does Oak Island Have a Portuguese Curse?

There have been many theories about what was once buried off the coast of Nova Scotia. They seem to multiply every year, and with each one, the legend of Oak Island’s curse continues to grow stronger. More than 200 years… Continue Reading →

Will Blind Frog Ranch’s Mystery Remain Unsolved?

What’s the deal with Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch? And is its concept actually based on something factual, or is it simply a whole lotta hype about nothing?

Lost Gold of the Aztecs Feels Like a Game Show

Treasure hunting is an expensive ordeal, one which takes up a lot of precious time and energy. Nobody intends to waste their resources while going on a wild goose chase. For those who are in it to win it, these… Continue Reading →

Oak Island’s Season 9 Goes for the Gold!

2021 seems like it’ll be momentous for The Curse of Oak Island. There’s a whole lotta hope floating about the treasure hunters as Season 9 begins. Due to the global pandemic, their plans dramatically changed last year, which amounted to… Continue Reading →

Oak Island’s Eighth Season Off to a Rocky Start

I’ll readily admit it: I’m a Curser (Or is it an Oakie? What about Acorn? The term seems to change every day!). Regardless the nickname, I’ve been a fan of The Curse of Oak Island for a long time, now…. Continue Reading →

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