Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Terminator

Forget the Terminator, M3GAN is the Her-minator!

Per Matt M3GAN is something like a Teddy Ruxpin-Skynet mashup, where the intended toy is meant to be the child’s protector, but it exceeds its original programming as it learns to become self-aware (with some assistance to its always-open internet… Continue Reading →

Soulmates Inserts Science Fiction, Fate Into the Online Dating World

As if online dating during a global pandemic wasn’t tough enough, Soulmates makes your happiness prospects seem limitless (and possibly hopeless) in the near future…

The Terminator Suffers a Dark Fate in My Guilty Pleasure

Per Matt Audiences responded after asking Will Cameron’s Return Terminate His Film Franchise? In terms of box-office results, the answer was as bleak as the filmmaker’s fate of humanity. Officially considered a flop after losing $130 million worldwide, this had… Continue Reading →

How Did You Respond to Zombieland: Double Tap?

Per Matt Public perception proves that sequels suck… but what if one happens to follow a cult-classic horror comedy? I say bring it on!

Blumhouse Brings Controlled Chaos to Second Season of The Purge

If you’re a fan of Blumhouse Productions — and who isn’t? — and you haven’t seen any of the first four Purge movies or you possibly missed Season 1 of the basic-cable adaptation, you might not know what you’re missing…. Continue Reading →

Will Cameron’s Return Terminate His Film Franchise?

Per Matt Maybe the better question is: Can the Terminator franchise get any better? Maybe Dark Fate really is an appropriate title for the upcoming movie.

Preparing for the Overwatch Archives Event

Overwatch is finally bringing back the closest thing we have to a story mode in the form of the Overwatch Archives event. From April 10th – 30th, gamers will get to learn a little bit more about the backstories of… Continue Reading →

The Terminator Franchise Gets Rebooted (Yet Again)

“If the past can change, then so can the future.” So, does that mean the latest Terminator movie is headed toward the right direction? And is it any good?

Bitch Planet is Required Reading

I started reading Bitch Planet out of curiosity and discovered a guidebook on how to better prepare my 2-year-old daughter for real life.

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