Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag The Saviors

The Walking Dead Should ONLY Tell Anthology Stories

Per Matt I don’t think AMC network executives will ever be accused of leaving money on the table. Just as the basic cable channel spun-off Better Call Saul from Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead Universe has been heavily mined (and… Continue Reading →

Sherry’s Return Highlights Fear’s Relationships

Relationships can be a glorious or a disastrous thing for TV shows. Viewers can tell when popular characters are forced into romantic situations. It’s a thing that can absolutely destroy the chemistry between actors, creating a situation that could lead… Continue Reading →

Keeping Up With The Walking Dead is Killing Me!

Per Matt Robert Kirkman managed to squeeze a whole lot of storylines into 193 issues of The Walking Dead comic book series (How Do You Wrap Up a Never-Ending Zombie Story?). Through 10 seasons, it feels like the AMC Network… Continue Reading →

Congrats to Seth Green, Robot Chicken for 200 Episodes!

Per Matt Saturday morning cartoons. Just the simple concept of three network television channels airing four or five straight hours of animated TV shows (sometimes longer!) every weekend can be an alien concept for millennials to comprehend. Back in the… Continue Reading →

Why Have Ratings Declined for The Walking Dead? The AMC Chief Knows…

How far has The Walking Dead fallen? Once the basic-cable king of the world, with ratings fading on the undead mothership, the AMC network chief pinpoints the exact moment the TV show jumped the shark, er, walker…

Fear Returns With Hope in Season 5

The Zombie Apocalypse uncovers a shroud of hope as Fear The Walking Dead’s Season 5 preview trailer reveals all-new adventures for our survivors.

Will The Whisperers Bring More Interest to The Walking Dead?

With only a few days remaining until The Walking Dead returns with the mid-season premiere, “Adaptation,” which is directed by Greg Nicotero, a new menace moves into the undead spotlight. The Whisperers have already left their marks among AMC’s survivors, getting violently… Continue Reading →

Fear’s Collection of Walking Dead Cast-Offs

What’s going on, here? Is this some sort of undead Bizarro world? News recently broke that Austin Amelio will return as Dwight for Fear The Walking Dead‘s Season 5. Does this officially mean that the series is nothing more than… Continue Reading →

The Whisperers Leave Their Marks in TWD Mid Season Finale

By the time the Whisperers finally reveal themselves in The Walking Dead, it’s true… “There’s a storm coming.”

The World’s STILL Gonna Need Rick Grimes!

He may have gone out with a bang, but the world still needs Rick Grimes!

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