Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag thriller genre

The Forever Purge is What Happens When People Won’t Stop Killing

Very few film series keep the attention of viewers after a trilogy has run its course. The Purge franchise is one of the rare exceptions to this legacy. With The Forever Purge, the lineup of Purge releases is now up… Continue Reading →

Stowaway Presents Nightmare Netflix Scenario for Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos

Per Matt Space tourism has received a lot of publicity lately. That makes sense, as the ground-breaking commercial industry that’s planning to transport civilians to the heliosphere will soon aid the development of deep-space exploration. Once the competition of Elon… Continue Reading →

Oxygen Fights to Break Free and Breathe

Per Matt Many great stories are centered around tight environments. Specifically, within the science-fiction realm, I’m thinking about the Alien film franchise. With nowhere to run and no place hide, an unseen killer lurks out of eyesight and our heroes must… Continue Reading →

Amazon’s Them Gets Scary in the Suburbs

Per Matt Trauma is a terrible thing. Each and every person may experience it at some point in their lives. So, when you bring four characters together to form a family, placing them into equally hostile environments, each one is… Continue Reading →

Train to Busan Tries to Restart the Zombie Apocalypse Craze With Peninsula

Zombie movies and shows are finally on a downward spiral. The Walking Dead phenomenon seems to have finally run its course. With the comics series finished and only a single season left to air on television, I have to say… Continue Reading →

Big Monsters Make Big Bucks: Godzilla vs. Kong Smashes The COVID Box Office Ceiling

The COVID pandemic has destroyed the massive profits that Hollywood has raked in over the past decade. Looking back at 2019, the domestic box office for just the Top 100 films of the year panned out to just under $10… Continue Reading →

Wrong Turn Reboot Swerves Into a New Direction

It feels like it has not been too long ago when the Wrong Turn franchise first came out. In fact, I had to go back and look to see when it was originally made. The first installment released on May… Continue Reading →

Aaron Sorkin Spins Netflix’s Trial of the Chicago 7

Let it not be said that Hollywood won’t find a way to take dark moments in world events and turn them as they see fit. Right or wrong, film writers and producers typically have a long leash when it comes… Continue Reading →

Reflecting on Elisabeth Moss as Horror Writer, Shirley Jackson

Per Matt Biopics can be dangerous subjects. On one hand, they can lead the uninformed into believing fictionalized stories of actual people. On the other hand, they can also withhold some major attributes of real-life people, while accentuating others. Sometimes… Continue Reading →

IFC Midnight’s Hunter Hunter Explores Your Breaking Point

How much does it take? What is the breaking point? How far can someone be torn down before they stop being a person? Before they stop having any humanity and finally succumb to a dark, deadly state of mind, where… Continue Reading →

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