Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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The Zombie Apocalypse is Coming to Nashville

Picture it now: You and your friends are trapped inside the confines of one of the scariest haunted attractions in the country. Alone in the dark, you are being hunted by the walking dead, vile creatures hellbent on feasting on… Continue Reading →

Welcome to Night Vale: A Creepy Podcast Worth Downloading

In the dark. Listen to it in the dark and alone. And pray you’ll never be within Night Vale Community Radio’s broadcast limits.

A Thank You Letter to Dr. Tyson

Just before Thanksgiving, Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson’s speaking tour came through Nashville. My mind swelled and stayed that way for days upon days of pondering afterward. The holiday came and went, along with social-media posts about being thankful and I concluded… Continue Reading →

Cosplayer of the Month: Yaya Han

Per Matt Yaya Han is one of the most iconic cosplayers around. Whether she’s appearing on Syfy’s Heroes of Cosplay, attending a convention as an invited guest or judging a costume contest, her costumes are instantly recognizable. She puts a… Continue Reading →

Previewing Walker Stalker Con Atlanta

Per Matt With Halloween on the horizon and The Walking Dead returning to television, Zombies of all types take the center stage. Happening on October 17th to 19th, Walker Stalker Con is a fan convention in Atlanta that will be… Continue Reading →

Attending Attractions: Nashville Nightmare

Per Matt When it comes to indoor haunted attractions, nobody is bigger or badder than Nashville Nightmare!

Here Come The Mummies: The Cryptic Tour

Per Matt On October 4, 2013, War Memorial Auditorium was overrun by the walking dead.

The Walking Dead Interview: Erin Bushko

Per Matt Erin Bushko is a busy, busy person. When she’s not working on The Walking Dead, she’s running a costume company, a clothing-design company and touring the country for four months with the Georgia Ensemble Theatre. But when she… Continue Reading →

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