Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Train to Busan

What’s Under the Bridge of the Doomed?

Throughout most of the 2010s, a Zombie Apocalypse was the most overused plot device in all media. You couldn’t get away from the undead (kinda fitting, when you think about it). On TV we had shows like The Walking Dead,… Continue Reading →

The Feast Serves Up a Banquet of Horror for IFC Midnight

I have to admit something upfront. I do not believe I have ever watched a Welsh film in my life. Since I have become a film critic, I have watched only a very few foreign-language films. Movies like the Train… Continue Reading →

Forget Snakes on a Plane! Netflix offers Vampires on a Plane with Blood Red Sky.

Vampires have always had a special place in my heart. As a kid, I would eat Count Chocula cereal. I would watch Count Duckula. I would dress as Dracula for Halloween. My bookshelf was littered with books about vampire lore…. Continue Reading →

Train to Busan Tries to Restart the Zombie Apocalypse Craze With Peninsula

Zombie movies and shows are finally on a downward spiral. The Walking Dead phenomenon seems to have finally run its course. With the comics series finished and only a single season left to air on television, I have to say… Continue Reading →

Monsters are Everywhere in the Korean TV Series, Sweet Home

As a haunter, I have always been intrigued with horror. I mean, you kinda have to be, in this business. Scary things are just what we do. Immersion is the name of the game for all haunt owners. You have… Continue Reading →

The Overseas Box Office Roars Back to Life With Train to Busan Sequel

Per Matt While U.S. movie theaters remain dark like a hiding monster, ready to strike its prey at a moment’s notice once given the all-clear signal, the overseas box office has awakened and is alive and well. And all it… Continue Reading →

Seoul Station Should Be Renamed “Generic Cash-Grab Zombie Movie”

For those of you who read my articles, you know that while I am critical of films, I also try to remove my own bias and rate films for what they are. Many times I have found myself hating a… Continue Reading →

Netflix Hidden Horror Gems: Train To Busan

Foreign horror films have never really been something I look forward to. Don’t get me wrong: there are many great directors and actors from countries outside the U.S. who make quality films (including horror). It’s just when I watch films… Continue Reading →

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