Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Utopia

Small-Town Life Gets Prehistoric in Devon Massey’s Marshville

Riverdale meets Land of the Lost in the Cavewoman comics written and illustrated by Devon Massey.

Traveling Time After Time

The funny thing about a TV show based on time travel, that doesn’t actually leave the present day is… well, it isn’t really funny.

Waryard Pines is the Creepy Summer Series You Should Be Watching

In a world that highlights both a simple small-town, as well as a dystopian future awaiting the last shreds of humanity, Wayward Pines is a science-fiction thriller that slowly unspools a horrific mystery. It’s definitely the TV series you should… Continue Reading →

Guest Review: Tomorrowland

It’s time to remember the future, the way it needs to be.


Per Matt Tomorrowland feels like a science experiment. No safe choices were made during its construction. It’s a Petri dish full of the unknown. Nothing about this Disney film follows your typical Hollywood blockbuster stereotype.

X-Men: War Machines

Jubilee is a vampire? Colossus embodies the Juggernaut? Iceman wears booties?

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