Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag video game history

Giving Thanks for G4

Per Matt For Thanksgiving, a very special G4 reunion brought back some laughs. And quite a few eyerolls.

Sonic the Hedgehog Sets the Pace for Video Game-Based Movies

Traditionally, video game film adaptations fail to capture the spark of the game from which they are rendered. Often, the “creative freedom” that is extended to Hollywood with the source materials is bastardized in a way that completely alienates it… Continue Reading →

Sex, Drugs and Rivalries: Game Changers Fights the Video Game Wars

Per Matt Long before virtual reality, mobile games, MMORGs and LAN parties, you could find groundbreaking arcade game cabinets at your local gas station, bowling alley, roller skating rink and even department store, hoping to cash in on the fad…. Continue Reading →

Fandom’s Entitled Bleating Over Sonic

It’s a wonder anyone tries to create anything anymore. With an armchair, sniveling, socially broken critic in every mom’s basement, it’s hard out here for a media-maker. Take Sonic the Hedgehog. The backlash over just the mere silhouette of the… Continue Reading →

Castlevania Whips Up the Action for Season 2

The band of vampire hunters is assembled, ready to take on Dracula and his hordes in Season 2 of Castlevania. With amazing anime-inspired animation and beautifully choreographed fights, this season is worth watching for its action scenes alone.

Gearing Up for Halo, the TV Series

I still remember when Halo 2 came out. I was working at EB Games at the time and we had a midnight launch for the title. I had played Halo with many of my friends, at many of their houses…. Continue Reading →

Bringing an ’80s Classic to Theaters: RAMPAGE!

Growing up, the highlight of my week used to be going with my dad to the arcade and playing video games all afternoon. I kicked butt on Galaga and Super Mario, but nothing could ever compare to Rampage. The premise… Continue Reading →

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