Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Walker Stalker Con Nashville

After a Summer of World-Class Fandom Conventions in Nashville, Can Wizard Deliver?

It is fair to say these days that Nashville is a city by which many things can be measured. Like the exploding food scene, hospitality industry, real-estate boom, and so much more going on in Music City, the fandom community… Continue Reading →

The Heroes & Villains Left Their Mark in Nashville

Superheroes of all types filled the Music City Center when Heroes & Villains Fan Fest recently visited Nashville, TN.

Restoring My Faith in Cons: A Hypericon 12 Review

My first convention experience was terrible. It was a Star Trek convention at the old Nashville Convention Center in the early ’90s full of elaborate cosplays, most of which were just good enough that the 8-year-old little Danno ended up… Continue Reading →

Digging Up the Dead at Walker Stalker 2017

Does anyone know the last time that John de Lancie (Q from Star Trek TNG) came through Nashville to a con? The answer is sometime in the late ’90s or early 2000s. That’s the last time I attended a convention.

The Walking Dead Gets Above the Law in A New Frontier

In the last articles for Episode One and Two, I took a lenient approach to my review. For my next installments, I’m not going to hold back much. From this point on, the general mechanics, graphics and overall gameplay have already… Continue Reading →

TV Superheroes — Marvel vs. DC: The Whole Story

We are living in a Golden Age of the Superhero, especially on television. Superheroes are the hottest commodity in pop culture, in both film and TV, as well as the “mainstream” commercial spheres of things like clothing, school supplies, cosplay… Continue Reading →

Walker Stalker Con: Nashville, TN

My experience at the Walker Stalker convention was surreal. The Music City Center was host to Nashville’s first Walker Stalker on April 9 and 10, 2016, and I became one of the horde. Ravenous fans descended upon downtown Nashville to see… Continue Reading →

Zombies In My Blog Introduces Rick Prince!

Rick Prince is contributing as a guest writer for Zombies In My Blog! In the immortal words of LL Cool J, “I admit it, the description of the killer… I fit it.”

Inheriting Wayne Manor

He’s the teen actor who has been knocking our socks off as a young, brooding Bruce Wayne in Gotham. You’ll also recall his deep-thinking series-TV debut as Jake, in Touch. His name is David Mazouz (pronounced “Dah-veed”), and if the insight… Continue Reading →

Visiting with Villains at Walker Stalker Con Nashville

The recent Walker Stalker convention stop in Nashville boasted a talent lineup to be envied by even the best and biggest fandom events in any city. This stop on their multi-city schedule featured a variety of talent from The Walking Dead… Continue Reading →

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