Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag weapon of mass destruction

BattleBots: Bounty Hunters > Fight Night!

Per Matt Mechanical mayhem. Rock ’em sock ’em piles of mass destruction. Metallic shards and scraps flying into the air. Part science class, part reality TV show, these are just a few descriptions of what happens when hundreds of pounds… Continue Reading →

Doomsday Caught on Camera

It’s the end of the world and destruction sells. Let’s face it, in 2020, after already experiencing so many disasters, what else can you expect from an all-new television series debuting this year? As just about every unusual event seems… Continue Reading →

My Guilty Pleasure: Logan

Per Matt What would the Wolverine film franchise look like, had Marvel not sold off the big-screen rights to the popular comic book character? And would Marvel Studios have EVER taken the chance to tell the tale known as Logan?

Retelling The War of the Worlds

Per Matt H.G. Wells crafted one of the first — and possibly the best — interstellar conflicts with The War of the Worlds. Originally released as a serialized story in 1857, his was a genius tale describing a global alien… Continue Reading →

Inhumans: Comic Connections to the Latest Marvel TV Series

The Inhumans are coming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe this fall, as part of a new eight-episode television series on ABC. The latest edition to the MCU had a complicated journey, as it made its way from the comic book… Continue Reading →

The Zombie: Simon Garth

Regarding movies, I’m absolutely not a fan of reboots. But when it comes to comic book reboots…

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