Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Amazon’s Fallout Series is Utterly Irresistible

There’s something utterly irresistible about the Fallout video game series that keeps me hooked like a Nuka-Cola addict in the wasteland. It’s like stepping into a time machine that’s gone haywire, hurling me into a future that’s both bizarrely ’50s… Continue Reading →

12 oz. Mouse Proves That Adult Swim Should Revive Original Programming

Per Matt A green talking mouse caught in a world of espionage that enjoys drinking beer. If that brief summary doesn’t ring a bell, there’s a decent chance you’ve never watched 12 oz. Mouse. Airing 15-minute-long episodes on Cartoon Network’s… Continue Reading →

Snowpiercer Tackles Social Class with Science Fiction

Bong Joon Ho is no stranger to social structures. As the writer-director of the 2013 feature film, Snowpiercer, and last year’s Oscar-winning Best Picture, Parasite, the filmmaker knows how to make a point while using the science-fiction and horror genres… Continue Reading →

Now That The NFFA Has a Dirty Backstory, What’s Next For The Purge?

This is not a test. As a television series, The Purge takes a behind-the-scenes look at Big Brother and explores violence as a deterrant to violence, which ultimately only seems to create serial killers. Sounds more like an deadly, lawless… Continue Reading →

Red Machete: The Walking Dead’s Digital Series for a Tool

Tools of the trade in survival mechanics are incredibly important, but is a multi-part digital series devoted toward a weapon of destruction must-watch material? Apparently, the filmmakers of AMC’s The Walking Dead think so. Here’s our commentary about the first… Continue Reading →

Hail to the King, Baby. Radical Arts Rocks Evil Dead: The Musical

Evil Dead: The Musical has become, hands down, my favorite musical performance over the last few years. I’ve been fortunate enough to experience this incredible show three of the last four years and it just keeps getting better every freaking… Continue Reading →

Sex, Blood and Music? An Interview With the Cast of Radical Arts’ Evil Dead: The Musical

I’ve been a Deadite since I was 12. A Deadite, for those unfamiliar with The Evil Dead series, is a fan. It’s sort of like being a Juggalo, but without the social stigma or being on an FBI watch list.

Are We Watching The Punisher Trailer or Conspiracy Theory?

Netflix just dropped a new trailer for The Punisher and it looks pretty good. It definitely looks better than than the teaser trailer that had Frank Castle wailing away on some concrete with a sledgehammer like he was John Wick.

Stephen King + Glenn Mazzara = The Dark Tower TV Series

As Stephen King’s It remake brings an all-new terror of clowns to a new generation of horror fans, news has been trickling out about the upcoming TV series based on King’s The Dark Tower book series that is in the… Continue Reading →

GoT Season 7 Premiere: Revenge, Survival and the Fluctuation of Power

“When people ask you what happened here, tell them the North remembers. Tell them winter came for House Frey.”

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