What does it mean to hunt for a cryptid? By its definition alone, this is an animal whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated. So, how, exactly, can you judge a series that successfully tracks one?
Wildlife and nature documentaries have long been a favorite of mine, ever since I was a child. I was fascinated by mother nature back then, as I am still. While I no longer regularly watch PBS specials, many great series… Continue Reading →
Per Matt Filmmakers need a lot of imagination to entice moviegoers to pony up their hard-earned money at movie theaters (and now, streaming services). Back in the 1950s, Italian sword-and-sandal films were all the rage. Originally released in 1961, Hercules… Continue Reading →
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Doomsday Caught on Camera
It’s the end of the world and destruction sells. Let’s face it, in 2020, after already experiencing so many disasters, what else can you expect from an all-new television series debuting this year? As just about every unusual event seems… Continue Reading →