Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Wild

Medical Horrors, a Dogumentary and a Nuisance Bear: The Nashville Film Festival Roundup

Per Matt Today’s topics at the Nashville Film Festival involve a potpourri of films, including The Graveyard Shift feature, Rounding, a Canadian dialogue-less doc and a Dogumentary! But first, make sure to check out Matt’s interview with Graveyard Shift Programmer… Continue Reading →

Expedition Bigfoot: Hunting a Cryptid

What does it mean to hunt for a cryptid? By its definition alone, this is an animal whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated. So, how, exactly, can you judge a series that successfully tracks one?

Disneynature’s Polar Bear Focuses on Four-Legged Family Ties

Per Matt Going into Polar Bear, I was expecting to receive an icy, environmental lecture. Fortunately, that wasn’t the case… exactly.

Nat Geo’s First Week of SharkFest Has Bigger Fish to Fry

Per Matt July means different things to different people. There’s Independence Day, naturally. Living in the South, a lot of hot days with high humidity are expected. It’s also my birthday month (My sister was also born on my fourth… Continue Reading →

Meerkat Manor Rises Up For a New BBC Dynasty

Wildlife and nature documentaries have long been a favorite of mine, ever since I was a child. I was fascinated by mother nature back then, as I am still. While I no longer regularly watch PBS specials, many great series… Continue Reading →

Hercules and the Captive Women Pulls You Into a Sword-and-Sandals World

Per Matt Filmmakers need a lot of imagination to entice moviegoers to pony up their hard-earned money at movie theaters (and now, streaming services). Back in the 1950s, Italian sword-and-sandal films were all the rage. Originally released in 1961, Hercules… Continue Reading →

Doomsday Caught on Camera

It’s the end of the world and destruction sells. Let’s face it, in 2020, after already experiencing so many disasters, what else can you expect from an all-new television series debuting this year? As just about every unusual event seems… Continue Reading →

Robert Englund Explores True Terror

Who knew Freddy Krueger was a decent TV host? Through two episodes of the Travel Channel television series, True Terror, the horror icon known as Robert Englund — the actor who previously portrayed the iconic nightmare warrior — hosts and… Continue Reading →

Guardians of the Glades Proves that Pythons + Florida = Bad News

Monsters come in all shapes and sizes. In South Florida — all the way north to Central Florida! — that invasive species without a known predator is the Burmese python, which is currently slithering around, wiping out entire populations of… Continue Reading →

2019: The Year of Samuel L. Jackson’s Hair

If Samuel L. Jackson didn’t wear a wig, did he even appear in a film?

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