Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag xbox 360 live

Halo Fans Deserve a Better Live-Action Adaptation

Cynical gamers weren’t too shocked by the recent revelation that the Halo streaming series was cancelled due to poor ratings. There was so much promise this time around for the Showtime-produced program, but after two seasons, it simply didn’t work… Continue Reading →

Amazon’s Fallout Series is Utterly Irresistible

There’s something utterly irresistible about the Fallout video game series that keeps me hooked like a Nuka-Cola addict in the wasteland. It’s like stepping into a time machine that’s gone haywire, hurling me into a future that’s both bizarrely ’50s… Continue Reading →

Cobra Strikes Swiftly in G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout

Per Matt The G.I. Joe franchise has brought me a lot of joy throughout the years. Growing up, I first noticed the cartoon (along with The Transformers) airing weekday afternoons, once I returned home from school. The show sparked my… Continue Reading →

Halo Infinite Introduces Escharum

Per Matt Halo Infinite symbolizes where next-generation video games are headed. And with that, comes all-new threats for our hero. But in order to identify where the franchise is headed, we must first take a look back at the series’… Continue Reading →

Fireteam Raven Takes Halo Out of the Home Console

Per Matt Fans of sci-fi shooters, rejoice! For the first time ever, there’s a Halo video game available to play within a fully immersible arcade pod that includes a 130-inch panoramic 4K screen with 5.1 surround sound. The dimensions are… Continue Reading →

Microsoft Stores Challenge Gamers With Halo 5 Tournaments

Per Matt Gamers get the chance to go On the Hunt this weekend as the Halo 5 Summer Series offers a video game tournament and free prizes in participating U.S. Microsoft Stores.

Batman — The Telltale Series: Allies and Enemies

Some say that a person is the average of the people with whom they spend the most time. In the case of Batman, it is one interesting group. Batman – The Telltale Series: City of Light masterfully concludes the five-part… Continue Reading →

The Walking Dead: Michonne Episode 3 | The Review

Why did love put a gun in my hand? Was it for redemption? Was it for revenge? Was it for the bottle? Was it for the ledge?

The Walking Dead: Michonne Pulls You In and Never Lets Go

The Walking Dead. The phenomenon that has captured the world in its own little form of the Apocalypse. Can’t go to my local comic book shop without seeing the graphic novels, toys and other merchandise. Can’t log into Facebook with… Continue Reading →

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