Per Matt As Phase 3 unfolds for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the superhero movies that were once grounded within our own reality take a new direction. With the introduction of Doctor Strange, filmgoers take a trippy adventure exploring alternate dimensions through magic… Continue Reading →
If you could prevent a new disaster from happening in the past, but in the process mess things up for the future, would you do it? This type of Terminator-meets-Back to the Future time-travel paradox presents itself within Timeless.
With Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hitting theaters March 25, 2016, there is a tremendous amount of fan speculation regarding the film and the direction of the DC Cinematic franchise. But one question on many people’s minds is, “Why… Continue Reading →
“If the past can change, then so can the future.” So, does that mean the latest Terminator movie is headed toward the right direction? And is it any good?