Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Apocalypse

Round One Goes To Marvel

Now, I am not a Batman v. Superman hater. I enjoyed it well enough, but it had plenty of hot mess to go around. Usually, people’s criticisms are accurate, they just don’t ruin it for me. But… in this summer… Continue Reading →

The Walking Dead: Michonne — Ending On a High Note

It’s been a slow adoption for me. Part One of The Walking Dead: Michonne seemed a little slow and snoozy up until the conflict of Monroe. Part Two was more exciting, especially given the cliffhanger of the first installment. Part… Continue Reading →

Previewing the Way Late Play Date: Dystopian Worlds

Per Matt This is the end. Do you have the necessary skills to become a survivor… or will you become one of the many undead creatures that haunts your hometown? The choice is yours at the Way Late Play Date:… Continue Reading →

Wrapping up Season 6 of The Walking Dead

Can we finally exhale, already? After watching the season finale of The Walking Dead, the adrenaline is still flowing!

The Walking Dead: Michonne Pulls You In and Never Lets Go

The Walking Dead. The phenomenon that has captured the world in its own little form of the Apocalypse. Can’t go to my local comic book shop without seeing the graphic novels, toys and other merchandise. Can’t log into Facebook with… Continue Reading →

Michonne Comes To The Telltale ‘Verse

I’ll admit it. Before being asked to review the new installment of Telltale Games’ episodic series set in the world of The Walking Dead… I had basically written off the concept, overall. The original games didn’t really hold my interest…. Continue Reading →

A&E’s Damien Needs Some Jesus

As a blog writer, I am asked from time to time to check out new things. From video games to conventions to movies, you never know what you may be asked to write up an opinion on. Usually, I am… Continue Reading →

What’s for Dinner When the World Ends?

When the world is running down, how will you fend for yourself? Will you starve to death or will your years of preparation finally pay off? The Art of Eating Through the Zombie Apocalypse offers not only easy-to-follow food-preparation recipes… Continue Reading →

Helter Skelter Meets Honky Holocaust

A few weeks ago, I was given a screener for one of Troma films’ newest acquired flicks: Honky Holocaust. Jumping at the opportunity to review anything from the Kaufman group, I couldn’t wait to find time to screen what would… Continue Reading →


Per Matt Robert Kirkman, David Alpert and Norman Reedus take a break from their usual undead duties in order to take a breath of fresh Air.

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