Per Matt In less than a week, Dragon Con descends upon downtown Atlanta, Georgia. And with the weekend’s festivities, the only guarantee that attendees can expect is the event’s planned schedule for the five-day convention will be updated at some… Continue Reading →
I’m one of the few people who doesn’t particularly like The Walking Dead. Quite honestly, I didn’t make it through the first season before I was bored to tears with the show. Almost no actual horror, very little motivation to… Continue Reading →
Ahh, conventions! Where cosplayers roam and superfans unite in a geek collective, free to be their awesome, geeky selves. With the beginning of E3, summer convention season is now officially in full swing and I’ve got a few pro tips from… Continue Reading →
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Digging Up the Dead at Walker Stalker 2017
Does anyone know the last time that John de Lancie (Q from Star Trek TNG) came through Nashville to a con? The answer is sometime in the late ’90s or early 2000s. That’s the last time I attended a convention.