Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag comic relief

Music and Monsters: Previewing the 2024 Nashville Film Festival!

If you’ve ever attended the Nashville Film Festival before, you already know that this is a week-long celebration of film, music and culture. And if you don’t know much about the big event, you might not know about all of… Continue Reading →

CBS’ Ghosts Haunts Up a New Halloween Tradition

I’ve always been a fan of holiday traditions… especially during the spooky season. Each year, I can’t wait to catch the latest seasonal offerings of some of my favorite TV shows. Do you remember watching Quantum Leap‘s “The Boogieman” in… Continue Reading →

Bob’s Burgers Writers Serve Up Deadpool 3 Script

Does a Deadpool sequel, brought to you by the primary writers of Bob’s Burgers whet your appetite for more big-screen high jinx from The Merc with a Mouth? Corporate overlord Walt Disney Pictures hopes to serve comedy fans, as well… Continue Reading →

Mike Tyson Knocks Out Shark Week

Per Matt Throughout the years, I’ve really learned a couple of things about my entertainment interests. I will ALWAYS prefer a story told within a snowy location to any other and I will normally be fully entertained when dealing with… Continue Reading →

Annabelle Comes Home Is A Horror Adventure In Babysitting

Back in 2013, director James Wan brought to the big screen a movie that would spark a horror movie franchise, defining the horror landscape for the better part of decade. Unlike Wan’s previous franchise, Saw, this new series would focus… Continue Reading →

Pixar’s Upcoming Sequel Looks Incredible

It’s funny to think that with all the superhero movies coming out in 2018, the one I would be looking forward to the most — yes, maybe even more than Avengers: Infinity War — would be an animated movie. Incredibles 2… Continue Reading →

The Good, The Bad and The Bizarre — Danno’s Review of 2017 On Screen

There were a lot of hits and misses in entertainment this year, especially in sci-fi and horror. For my part, there were things I felt went really well, things that went horribly wrong and a few things that were just… Continue Reading →

Star Wars Fans Petition to Remove Episode VIII From Canon

Star Wars fans are upset about The Last Jedi… I mean really upset… like, upset enough to sign a petition to have Disney strike Episode VIII from the Star Wars canon. A petition that has accumulated more than 52,000 signatures… Continue Reading →

Justice League: The Rise of Justice, Heroes and DC has Begun!

There are Justice League spoilers ahead. I’m giving you fair warning right now: There will be spoilers. I’ve tried writing this as spoiler free as possible, but some elements are going to crop up. So, if you’re afraid that one… Continue Reading →

Batman Meets Constantine in Justice League Dark

Constantine actor Matt Ryan returns, this time to voice the titular character in the DC animated movie Justice League Dark. He teams up with Batman, Zatanna, Swamp Thing and several other magic users to combat an unknown evil force of… Continue Reading →

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