Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag conspiracy theories

Football Feuds: Al Davis vs. The NFL

Per Matt On this, the holiest of holy days in American professional sports, it only felt natural to write up ESPN’s 30 For 30 documentary series which focused on one of the most bitter rivalries of the National Football League…. Continue Reading →

Oak Island’s Eighth Season Off to a Rocky Start

I’ll readily admit it: I’m a Curser (Or is it an Oakie? What about Acorn? The term seems to change every day!). Regardless the nickname, I’ve been a fan of The Curse of Oak Island for a long time, now…. Continue Reading →

EPiX Brings the American Myth of Helter Skelter to Life

Per Matt Not every monster covered in Zombies In My Blog is fictional, but just about every one of them is spooky. And the scariest one of them all can be found in real life. The creepiest thing that I… Continue Reading →

Netflix Adds Freaks: You’re One of Us To Its Superhero Lineup

It’s no secret that I love superhero films. I know most of the time I write about horror films, or hauntings, or newer releases to theaters. But deep down, I am a comic book geek at heart. From a very… Continue Reading →

Teens Take The Walking Dead to a World Beyond

If you happened to be a fan of Carl and Enid (among the many others) back in the day and thought there just wasn’t enough teen angst and moodiness within The Walking Dead Universe, you won’t be disappointed with the… Continue Reading →

12 oz. Mouse Proves That Adult Swim Should Revive Original Programming

Per Matt A green talking mouse caught in a world of espionage that enjoys drinking beer. If that brief summary doesn’t ring a bell, there’s a decent chance you’ve never watched 12 oz. Mouse. Airing 15-minute-long episodes on Cartoon Network’s… Continue Reading →

Dispatches’ Finale Proves Series is Weird, But Not Weird Enough

When watching a TV show that attempts to uncover a secret society under the veil of a social game, many surprises are uncovered. There’s plenty of plot devices (probably a few too many), more than a few red herrings and… Continue Reading →

Life Interpretations Via Dispatches From Elsewhere

Finding the puzzles hidden within everyday life may be tough enough, but decoding those puzzles, while making accurate interpretations is even harder. So it goes for four ordinary people in Dispatches From Elsewhere.

City of Angels Brings Folklore, Conspiracies and Cults to Penny Dreadful

Per Matt As soon as a prophecy declares that “a time will come when race will devour race, when brother will kill brother, until not a soul is left” in the Penny Dreadful season premiere, “Santa Muerte,” I knew I… Continue Reading →

How Accurate is History’s Project Blue Book?

In a world where the truth is out there, but exaggerations definitely pay the bills, History’s Project Blue Book somehow falls between the cracks.

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