Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag creature features

Alien Planet Deploys The-Enemy-of-My-Enemy-is-My-Friend Ideology

Frenemy is a term that has been used by teenagers across generations, encompassing various meanings. It can refer to someone you genuinely dislike, but pretend to get along with, or it can describe the collaboration between natural adversaries to defeat… Continue Reading →

What’s Under the Bridge of the Doomed?

Throughout most of the 2010s, a Zombie Apocalypse was the most overused plot device in all media. You couldn’t get away from the undead (kinda fitting, when you think about it). On TV we had shows like The Walking Dead,… Continue Reading →

The 2022 #HauntLife Movie Awards

I have watched tons of films in 2022. Some good, few great. However, the majority of films were just barely passable as entertainment, let alone being in the mix for the Oscars. Still, it is my hope to at least… Continue Reading →

Building a Monster, Kratt Falls Flat

I have always loved mythology stories. As a kid, I remember spending many a Saturday morning at the local library, scouring the shelves for books on the subject. I mainly stuck with Greek tales, as the stories of Zeus, Thor… Continue Reading →

Blumhouse’s Compendium of Horror Gets Historically Spooky!

Per Matt Eli Roth isn’t the only filmmaker allowed to explore the history of big-screen horrors. Just in time for the spooky season, EPIX has released a five-part documentary series exploring Blumhouse’s Compendium of Horror.

Hidden Horror Gem: The Cursed

Per Matt As the Streaming Era grows, with so many entertainment choices at your fingertips, the options are almost limitless. This modern-day golden era of movies offers many marvelous, as well as mediocre options. I tend to venture into a… Continue Reading →

Predator Gets a Prequel in Prey

I loved the original Predator film. While the sequels of the monster movie franchise did not really work for me, the original was the kind of action/horror film that I absolutely loved. You have this alien killing machine, complete with… Continue Reading →

Slapface is the Most Important Horror Film of the Year!

Bullying is a systemic problem. When I was young, I was teased and bullied by several people. They thought I dressed funny, combed my hair differently and was a “rich, snobbish kid.” I used to dread going to lunch sometimes,… Continue Reading →

American Werewolves Poses the Question: Do Werewolves Exist?

Werewolves have always fascinated me. When I was in my pre-teens, I remember finding a book at my school’s book fair called, Meet the Werewolf. This book explained the ins and outs of lycanthropy, the condition that turns humans into… Continue Reading →

Transworld’s Halloween & Attractions Show 2022 Review

It’s March. While most people are thinking about Easter, the start of Spring and all the things that warmer weather entails, thousands of Halloween enthusiasts flocked to take part in the world’s largest tradeshow set specifically for haunters, escape room… Continue Reading →

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