It’s all fun and games until the hooker stabs you.
Per Matt In less than a week, Dragon Con descends upon downtown Atlanta, Georgia. And with the weekend’s festivities, the only guarantee that attendees can expect is the event’s planned schedule for the five-day convention will be updated at some… Continue Reading →
You’re going to read a lot of reviews praising the near-perfection of Spider-Man: Homecoming. It is phenomenal, fun, inspiring, and just what we needed at this stage of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s progression. It is the best Spider-Man film so… Continue Reading →
Halloween is almost here and that means a Mummies homecoming concert must be near!
Per Matt The undead — as well as many Zombie hunters and other creatures — were restless this year at Dragon Con! And we’ve got the proof!
I experienced my first Dragon*Con Labor Day weekend in 2006, and stayed in downtown Atlanta in the midst of the phenomenal annual event that attracts tens of thousands from across the universe, or at least from the planet Earth. Attendance… Continue Reading →
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Digging Up the Dead at Walker Stalker 2017
Does anyone know the last time that John de Lancie (Q from Star Trek TNG) came through Nashville to a con? The answer is sometime in the late ’90s or early 2000s. That’s the last time I attended a convention.