Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag dystopia

The Terminator Franchise Gets Rebooted (Yet Again)

“If the past can change, then so can the future.” So, does that mean the latest Terminator movie is headed toward the right direction? And is it any good?

Ex Machina

Blurring the dividing line between artificial intelligence and humanity, Ex Machina questions society’s perception of reality.

Fear the Walking Dead: The Dog

The neighbors are restless.

The 2015 Dragon Con Zombie Walk and Zombie Prom

Per Matt Downtown Atlanta was overrun by the undead during Dragon Con.

Previewing Dragon Con 2015

Per Matt With Dragon Con almost here, it’s about time to release your inner geek!

Dragon Con Interview: Shannon Chesnut

Per Matt Perish the thought, but if there’s ever a global disaster taking place in the near future, how would you react to the end of the world? Get survivalism tips, learn how to react to natural disasters, prepare for… Continue Reading →

Dragon Con Interview: Lee Cox

Per Matt The first two words that come to mind, whenever Dragon Con is mentioned, are “cosplay” and “party,” and this year will be no different. (Most likely, there will also be a cosplay party happening, as well, at some… Continue Reading →

Guest Review: Tomorrowland

It’s time to remember the future, the way it needs to be.


Per Matt Tomorrowland feels like a science experiment. No safe choices were made during its construction. It’s a Petri dish full of the unknown. Nothing about this Disney film follows your typical Hollywood blockbuster stereotype.


How far would you go, in order to survive?

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