Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag fandoms

After a Summer of World-Class Fandom Conventions in Nashville, Can Wizard Deliver?

It is fair to say these days that Nashville is a city by which many things can be measured. Like the exploding food scene, hospitality industry, real-estate boom, and so much more going on in Music City, the fandom community… Continue Reading →

Wizard World Brings Comic Con to Music City

Welcome back to this week’s edition of #HauntLife. With Wizard World Nashville only a few days away, I thought it would be awesome to get your nerd blood pumping with my preview of this comic con.

Dragon Con Gets Social: An Interview With Eric Richard Cooney Jr.

Per Matt In less than a week, Dragon Con descends upon downtown Atlanta, Georgia. And with the weekend’s festivities, the only guarantee that attendees can expect is the event’s planned schedule for the five-day convention will be updated at some… Continue Reading →

Previewing Heroes & Villains Fan Fest Nashville 2017

Nashville gets super as Heroes & Villains Fan Fest visits the Music City Center this weekend.

Bright Lights and Cenobites: Cosplay at Hypericon 12

The great thing about Hypericon was that, at any given time you could find something for almost every fandom. From the artists and vendors to the panels and game rooms, there was a little bit of everything. My favorite part… Continue Reading →

Restoring My Faith in Cons: A Hypericon 12 Review

My first convention experience was terrible. It was a Star Trek convention at the old Nashville Convention Center in the early ’90s full of elaborate cosplays, most of which were just good enough that the 8-year-old little Danno ended up… Continue Reading →

Wonder Woman and the Culture of the Female Superhero

When you think of the typical comic book reader, you probably imagine young white males. Many of comic books’ greatest creative minds have demographically been white men, as well. Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Frank Miller and Alan Moore are all… Continue Reading →

Calling All Cosplayers: We’d Like to Interview You!

If you’re a cosplayer with unique costumes and you can offer something original, unlike anybody else, we’d like to interview you!

Cosplayer of the Month: Lemon Lali Cosplay

Per Matt Irish eyes are smiling for Lemon Lali’s costumes!

DragonConTV Interview: Brian Richardson

Per Matt Throughout the years, Dragon Con attendees have enjoyed countless parodies, music videos, celebrity interviews, panel highlights and event commentary via DragonConTV. Whether you’ve watched them before or after panel presentations, via the convention’s host hotels or the highlights… Continue Reading →

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