Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag fantasy author

A Wicked Review by Someone Who Hasn’t Seen the Stage Show

Before watching Jon Chu’s adaptation of Wicked, I felt like the only person who had never seen the famous Broadway musical. I didn’t grow up in a family that attended musicals, although we did enjoy the music from Cats and… Continue Reading →

Despite an Impressive Cast, Argylle Loses its Grip on Reality

Spy movies consistently achieve success, appealing to a broad audience by offering a mix of elements that moviegoers crave: intrigue, mystique, action and adventure. Introducing a touch of tongue-in-cheek humor further solidifies their potential as great franchises, as evidenced by… Continue Reading →

The Rings of Power is Not Your Father’s Lord of the Rings

Amazon Studios’ newest TV series, The Rings of Power, has been getting much attention. Like anything in the Internet Age, you either have to 100 percent hate or 100 percent love the show, as the Lords of Tweets and Outrage… Continue Reading →

House of the Dragon Tries to Appease Salty Game of Thrones Fans

Like many of you, I had an initial love affair with the hit HBO show, Game of Thrones. The riveting tales from the books of George R. R. Martin took fantasy fans on a trip through the mythical world of… Continue Reading →

Does Bob’s Burgers Deserve a Movie?

Per Matt Preparing for The Bob’s Burgers Movie, I took a deep dive into my DVR. You see, I’ve been a fan of the show ever since its FOX premiere 12 years ago, but I’ve been slacking lately. With 65… Continue Reading →

Raising Children During the Zombie Apocalypse? You’re Only Dead on the Inside!

Per Matt Fear. Terror. And worthless debit cards. These are only a few things to worry about when the undead wreak havoc during the Zombie Apocalypse. Then there’s a whole new set of rules for raising your children during this… Continue Reading →

NOS4A2 Cancels Christmas(land)

Per Matt A storm is a brewin’ in Season 2 of NOS4A2 and hell hath no fury like vampire back from the dead.

Charlie Manx Finally Gets a Backstory in NOS4A2

Per Matt Sometimes, when you’re a soul-eating vampire, you’re bound to lose your way. Whenever you’re not kidnapping children and whisking them off to the magical Christmasland, a place which exists solely within the mind of Charlie Manx, you might… Continue Reading →

Back From the Dead, NOS4A2 Returns

Per Matt I have definitely had a love/hate affair with vampires. For every What We Do in the Shadows, there’s two or more versions of The Passage and A Discovery of Witches that never ultimately survive the ratings game. I’m… Continue Reading →

Neil Gaiman Dreams Dangerously

Per Matt I have had a love affair with books for a long time, now. I remember checking out unusual novels in elementary school, but I guess it really amplified when I was a teenager. Certain topics and certain authors… Continue Reading →

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