Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag fantasy convention

A Wicked Review by Someone Who Hasn’t Seen the Stage Show

Before watching Jon Chu’s adaptation of Wicked, I felt like the only person who had never seen the famous Broadway musical. I didn’t grow up in a family that attended musicals, although we did enjoy the music from Cats and… Continue Reading →

House of the Dragon Tries to Appease Salty Game of Thrones Fans

Like many of you, I had an initial love affair with the hit HBO show, Game of Thrones. The riveting tales from the books of George R. R. Martin took fantasy fans on a trip through the mythical world of… Continue Reading →

Neil Gaiman Dreams Dangerously

Per Matt I have had a love affair with books for a long time, now. I remember checking out unusual novels in elementary school, but I guess it really amplified when I was a teenager. Certain topics and certain authors… Continue Reading →

Prologue of Thrones

The first two episodes of Game of Thrones‘ final season have aired and it’s an incredibly slow burn of a pace instead of an action-packed dragon-fire scorcher. It seems more of a prologue of the season, rather than what we’ve… Continue Reading →


As discussed in Part One, Geek Culture is destroying itself from the inside, and the toxic fandom elements among us make you sometimes wish there could be a “Thanos Snap” to return balance to the geek media and convention scene…. Continue Reading →


Geek Culture is destroying itself from the inside and the perpetrators have expanded their demographics to a diversity that would be inspiring, if it were not ultimately a force for fandom evil. Pettiness, deception and entitlement abound in the modern… Continue Reading →

Cosplayers of the Month: Frost Sisters

The professional cosplayers portraying Anna and Elsa from Frozen were extremely popular when I went by their table on that Friday during MegaCon 2018. It turns out that the two cosplaying as Disney princess sisters are actually sisters in real… Continue Reading →

Fandom and Fun at Hypericon 13

Hypericon returned to Nashville this past weekend for its 13th season. While the overall atmosphere felt a bit more subdued than last year when I covered it, the event was still fun and full of some of the most creative… Continue Reading →

Horror Comes to Hypericon

Hypericon is returning to Nashville this weekend for three days of cosplay, fandom and the best of local sci-fi and fantasy on display. There’s going to be a little something for everyone, including horror fans. Among the panels, pageants, discussions… Continue Reading →

Comic Creator Interview with Steve Stone

If you’ve ever wondered how to promote your indie comic at a convention, then pay close attention to my interview with creator Steve Stone. While talking about the latest issue of Cape Haven and his graphic novel, Conquest, Steve mentions… Continue Reading →

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