Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Batman Meets Constantine in Justice League Dark

Constantine actor Matt Ryan returns, this time to voice the titular character in the DC animated movie Justice League Dark. He teams up with Batman, Zatanna, Swamp Thing and several other magic users to combat an unknown evil force of… Continue Reading →

Mummy Impossible: Franchise Starter

Stephen King’s book, Danse Macabre, is a fascinating take on writing, horror and society. He begins the book by offering three main archetypes. There is the werewolf, the vampire and the thing without a name. He spends much of the next… Continue Reading →

Baywatch Is One Funny Sun of a Beach

When I went to see Baywatch, I didn’t have high hopes. It was already being panned by people “in the know.” While I really wanted to see this film, my expectations were not high for the movie.

Binge-Watching Master

“Whoa, so you’re like the “Winter Soldier?” Aziz Ansari’s character, Dev, asks his hot date, after she remarks how much metal is in arm after surgery from a car accident. “Who’s that?” she asks, and he launches into a long-winded… Continue Reading →

Giving Superheores The Middle Finger: Troma Unveils A New Film

Welcome back to another #hauntlife blog. And again, I am doing what I love: Watching movies and giving my unbiased ideas about how great or not so great certain films are. And along the way, I may get off track,… Continue Reading →

Prepare for Zune’s Best Sales, Ever

That title won’t make sense ’til you see Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2. It’s a spoiler, actually. That’s why you probably should not read this ’til you see the movie. I’m about to tell you why this Guardians is just… Continue Reading →

MST3K’s Return Doesn’t Miss a Step

It’s hard to believe that it has been 18 years since Mystery Science Theater 3000 has been on the air. And just by using the first three episodes of the new season as a barometer, the show barely believes it,… Continue Reading →

Five Episodes to Prepare You for MST3K’s Return

On April 14th, after nearly 20 years, a new season of the groundbreaking series Mystery Science Theater 3000 (MST3K) will be making its debut. Fourteen new episodes are set to launch on Netflix, adding to the already existing 197 (and one feature… Continue Reading →

Rick and Morty’s Unexpected Return

In some kind of reverse April Fools’ Day prank, last night Cartoon Network aired a new episode of Rick and Morty. I found it completely by accident.

April Fools’ Day Prank Gives Observant Fans a Rick and Morty Surprise

Wubba lubba dub dub! 

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