Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag genderbender cosplay

The Return of the Living Dead: The Nashville Zombie Walk

“They’re coming to get you, Barbara.” – Johnny, Night of the Living Dead It’s amazing how a single phrase like that can usher in a completely new era, but in six words, George Romero and John Russo established what would… Continue Reading →

Apocalypse Rising: A Dragon Con Interview With Shannon Chesnut

Per Matt When the end of the world arrives, will you be ready? Whether it’s due to a Zombie Apocalypse, a Sharknado, an invasion of little green men or you’re simply a doomsday prepper getting ready for the world to… Continue Reading →

Stan Lee Makes a Wizardly Appearance in Nashville

Per Matt When the name Stan Lee is mentioned, a variety of pop-culture references come to mind. For millennials, he’s the older gentleman making cameo appearances within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. For the older crowd, he might be remembered from… Continue Reading →

The Heroes & Villains Left Their Mark in Nashville

Superheroes of all types filled the Music City Center when Heroes & Villains Fan Fest recently visited Nashville, TN.

Bright Lights and Cenobites: Cosplay at Hypericon 12

The great thing about Hypericon was that, at any given time you could find something for almost every fandom. From the artists and vendors to the panels and game rooms, there was a little bit of everything. My favorite part… Continue Reading →

Cosplayer of the Month: Anomaly Cosplay

Per Matt They’ve been known for crafting entire costumes within three days in the past and together, Monique Fuqua and Kelli Smith team up as Anomaly Cosplay, our first Cosplayer of the Month for 2017!

Calling All Cosplayers: We’d Like to Interview You!

If you’re a cosplayer with unique costumes and you can offer something original, unlike anybody else, we’d like to interview you!

Entering the 2016 Zombie Walk at Dragon Con

Per Matt The undead — as well as many Zombie hunters and other creatures — were restless this year at Dragon Con! And we’ve got the proof!

Cosplayer of the Month: Lolita Zombie

Per Matt She’s an anime fan who really enjoys the undead!

MTAC Interview: LittleKuriboh

Per Matt Martin Billany, aka LittleKuriboh, visited the Media Suite at the 2014 Middle Tennessee Anime Convention for an interview discussing starting a trend (and creating many imitators in the process) with Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series, his first serious video… Continue Reading →

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