Per Matt Originally dark and dreary, the Thor franchise was not exactly well received in Marvel’s Phase One by critics and fans alike (although I’m probably one of the few who didn’t mind the plot devices). When Taika Waititi was… Continue Reading →
Per Matt Life may have found a way to survive Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park, but the world’s fascination with dinosaurs living among humans in a new millennium will surely fascinate millions more as the end of the franchise’s second trilogy… Continue Reading →
If you know me, you know that I have a taste for action movies and horror flicks. A few times in history these genres have overlapped with one another. Even fewer have been successful. Most of the time, horror-action films… Continue Reading →
Marvel Comics has many properties to pull from. The MCU is already filled with some of the most beloved characters of all time. From Iron Man, Captain America and Spider-Man to Black Widow, Guardians of the Galaxy and the Scarlet… Continue Reading →
Per Matt This is a topic that has bothered me for years, now. As a life-long cinema aficionado (and sometimes insider, as a member of the Nashville Film Critics’ Association), I have always enjoyed the movie-theater experience. I have enveloped… Continue Reading →
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Behold the Terrors of The Brain from Planet Arous!
Per Matt In 1957, a black-and-white cinematic cult classic was released featuring a giant, floating, megalomaniacal, sex-crazed brain from outer space. Audiences may not have crowned the indie film a blockbuster back in the day, but 65 years later, The… Continue Reading →