Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag #GeorgeRomero

George Romero’s Amusement Park is an Uncomfortable Look at the Elderly

Director George Romero may have passed away in 2017, but his legacy lives on. Most people will know the legendary director as the father of Zombies, with his Night of the Living Dead movies being iconic horror films. Other Romero… Continue Reading →

George Romero’s Final Film is Back for More Dead!

Per Matt Not a whole lot can shock me early in the morning, while I’m still trying to wake up. But today, while sipping on some strong coffee, I was somewhat surprised to learn that George Romero’s final film will… Continue Reading →

My Guilty Pleasure: Zombie

Per Matt It somehow seems appropriate to finally watch Zombie while there’s an ongoing worldwide pandemic. Frankly, I’m shocked I didn’t know more about the resulting pop-culture affects of the undead cult classic, which was released way back in 1979…. Continue Reading →

Netflix Hidden Horror Gems: Train To Busan

Foreign horror films have never really been something I look forward to. Don’t get me wrong: there are many great directors and actors from countries outside the U.S. who make quality films (including horror). It’s just when I watch films… Continue Reading →

Eli Roth’s Undead History of Horror

“The Zombie Plague has infected the world, as relentless and unstoppable as the flesh-eating undead.” So ends the first episode of this documentary series, hosted by filmmaker Eli Roth.

Zombies and Multiverse Theories of Space Dandy

Zombies. Multiverse theories. Separately, these topics can be found in different sci-fi or horror movies, but in the outer-space anime, Space Dandy, these subjects highlighted one of the best episodes of Season 1.

Day of the Dead: Bloodline — Some Films Are Better Off Dead

Day of the Dead has never been my favorite Romero Zombie film by any stretch of the imagination, but I still consider it an integral part of the franchise and a good film. There were some original concepts and characters… Continue Reading →

The Return of the Living Dead: The Nashville Zombie Walk

“They’re coming to get you, Barbara.” – Johnny, Night of the Living Dead It’s amazing how a single phrase like that can usher in a completely new era, but in six words, George Romero and John Russo established what would… Continue Reading →

Remembering Romero

The horror genre has seen so many innovators craft it into a wide-ranged spectacle of terror. Filmmakers such as Wes Craven and John Carpenter spearheaded the slasher subgenre and created other classics for horror fans. But one particular genre cannot… Continue Reading →

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