Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag god

I’m Hooked on Evil and Can’t Wait for Season 2!

Per Matt The origins of real-life evil can be difficult to track, but defining CBS’ television series of the same name may be just as difficult.

Preacher Showed Promise, Then Faded Away…

Time is precious. It’s invaluable, actually. There’s no getting it back, once it’s gone. And it’s not until the closing minutes of Preacher‘s series finale until it becomes painfully clear. The outcome doesn’t have anything to do with a vengeful,… Continue Reading →

I Hope You Haven’t Started the Apocalypse Without Me…

As the end of the world looms large, Jesse Custer’s focus is stronger than ever to meet up with God to talk some things out, as Jesus Christ negotiates with Adolf Hitler the rules of Armageddon in the final season… Continue Reading →

The End is Near for Preacher

Whether it’s judgement day, doomsday or simply the Apocalypse, the end is near for Preacher. Figuratively and literally.

Good Omens Makes the Apocalypse Fun

Good Omens, the televised comedy from the novel by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, nails the Apocalypse without it feeling like Armageddon.

Preacher Does Some Soul Searching in Season 2

Jesse Custer’s journey, as a character on Preacher, has been an emotionally rocky road so far, but Season 2 of the AMC TV series has led him to New Orleans, where he seeks an audience with God, who has strangely… Continue Reading →

Unpacking Mother!

One of my favorite activities in a theater is listening to my fellow audience members as I head toward the nearest exit. As an occasional critic, I’ve found that listening to the audience’s reaction to a film is just as… Continue Reading →

Mother! is Probably Not the Movie You Thought You Were Going to See

I am not sure why Mother! has been marketed the way that is has, perhaps simply because they had no idea how to market the film. Actually, I’m not even sure how this movie got made. It almost felt like… Continue Reading →

Horror Movies Become Must-See TV

It seems like the new trend in horror television is to take great horror films and turn them into TV shows.

It’s Time to Give Preacher The Chance It Deserves

AMC’s Preacher has unfortunately languished in relative obscurity. I confess that this has been a constant source of consternation and confusion for me. The TV show is backed and produced by Seth Rogan. Its source material is one of the more famous… Continue Reading →

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