“There is no hope and we’re on the road to nowhere.” As if the anticipation couldn’t be higher for the return of The Walking Dead, an AMC TV special takes a look back at the pop-culture phenomenon’s beginning through The… Continue Reading →
Oh, October. How I have missed you! In my world, haunting and horror is a year-round passion. There is something special about this time of year. Trees start changing color. There is a chill in the air. And all the… Continue Reading →
When we last left our fearless threesome (Ash, Kelly and Pablo), Ruby (mother of demons) had gained control of the Necronomicon and Pablo gave birth to her children out of his mouth. Demon children.
There’s something great about watching B-movies. Expectations aren’t very high and the fact that trailers and TV spots aren’t spoiling plot points gives the viewer a different movie experience. For the Troma horror-comedy, Chubbies, that experience is over the top… Continue Reading →
With a title like that, how can you not read this riveting post? Welcome back to another Troma film review from #hauntlife.
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