Welcome to the 2024 Lana Del Fear Awards! These awards are not your typical accolades; they are a carefully curated selection of films designed to entice you to explore cinematic treasures you may have missed. My selections will provide a… Continue Reading →
My name is Lana, and I am a Nashville-based ghoul originally from Jackson, TN. I’ve always enjoyed movies and cinema, especially from the horror genre. I grew up watching the essential Horror 101 movies (because of my mother) and the… Continue Reading →
Patience is a virtue. Uncovering clues takes time and deciphering them can take even more! As three teams attempt to locate a mysterious treasure that’s seemingly always out of reach, I’m left wondering where is the Lost Gold of the… Continue Reading →
A house doesn’t have to be haunted in order for lingering spirits to be attached to the property. I believe in guardian angels, as well as mischievous souls stuck in Purgatory. Growing up in a very old farmhouse (which is… Continue Reading →
Per Matt Maybe we, as an audience, are being tested, much like the characters of Manifest. How many tall tales and zany conspiracy theories can we tolerate, along with so many slow-to-develop storyline resolutions with poorly written characters? Time travel,… Continue Reading →
Per Matt William Shatner never met a conspiracy theory he didn’t like (at least while appearing on reality TV). So, when the pop-culture icon appeared on Ancient Aliens last week to debate the ancient astronaut theory, the two-hour long episode… Continue Reading →
Per Matt It somehow seems appropriate to finally watch Zombie while there’s an ongoing worldwide pandemic. Frankly, I’m shocked I didn’t know more about the resulting pop-culture affects of the undead cult classic, which was released way back in 1979…. Continue Reading →