Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag guilty pleasure

Music Unites All as Bill & Ted Face the Music

Per Matt Nothing screams the ’80s like a time-traveling phone booth. While it was a great decade for movies, little did we know a franchise would be based around a couple of slackers from San Dimas. Two years later, those… Continue Reading →

Will the G.I. Joe Franchise Survive the Snake Eyes Flop?

Per Matt If the only things you know about G.I. Joe come from the mediocre big-screen releases of the past 13 years, then you don’t really know Joe. With each outing, MGM and Di Bonaventura Pictures have teamed up to… Continue Reading →

Amazon Brings Back Memories With I Know What You Did Last Summer

In 1997, director Jim Gillespie brought together the acting talents of Jennifer Love Hewitt, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ryan Phillippe and Freddy Prinze Jr. to give us the slasher film, I Know What You Did Last Summer. While not the most… Continue Reading →

See Something Strange? The Proof is Out There!

Casual encounters with Bigfoot? Lake monster videos while boating? Miraculous, unexplained phenomena? Is it all just a coincidence or maybe something else? The Proof is Out There!

Is Promising Young Woman As Good As The Critics Say?

The buzz surrounding the 2021 Academy Awards has begun. While the pandemic wrecked havoc on the film industry in 2020, there were still many movies released. With a limited playing field, the thought is that this year could open the… Continue Reading →

Cell Begins the Zombie Apocalypse With a Phone Call

Per Matt Have you ever wondered what might possibly be the absolute WORST Stephen King adaptation to grace the big screen? If, for some reason, you’ve actually watched Cell, which was released in 2016 as a science-fiction horror film, produced… Continue Reading →

Living Space or Nazi Undead? Either Way, It’s My Guilty Pleasure.

How do you like your horror films? If you think a Groundhog Day-type of storyline with a side of jump scares is your thing, then please allow me to introduce My Guilty Pleasure. Whether known as Nazi Undead or Living… Continue Reading →

My Guilty Pleasure: It Stains the Sands Red

Zombies. Las Vegas. When crafting a story that involves the Zombie Apocalypse taking place in Sin City, it’s gotta have “sure-fire hit” written all over it. Right?

My Guilty Pleasure: Attack of the Lederhosen Zombies

Holiday horror, Zombie comedy or guilty pleasure, Attack of the Lederhosen (or Alpine Zombies, which was used during production) is an undead Austrian movie featuring snowboarders fighting off hordes of the undead on a mountaintop resort. It’s definitely a “Night… Continue Reading →

Santa’s Slay is the Perfect Holiday Horror Flick

Tis the season to be jolly. Time to take some time off work and spend time with those you love. And during this time, we sit around the TV, watching classic films like It’s A Wonderful Life, Miracle of 34th… Continue Reading →

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