Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag insects

Honey is Money for the Bee Czar!

Bees, man. If you’re not careful around the little buggers, it could easily be lights out for you. Good thing Walter Schumacher turned a passion project into a career, as the Bee Czar saves bees from people and people from… Continue Reading →

Monster From Green Hell Stings of Gigantic Fears

Per Matt Wasps. I’ve had terrible luck with the insects throughout my life. While I’ve never been stung by a bee (knock on wood), I’ve been stung my many wasps, hornets and the like in different situations. (I’m usually unaware… Continue Reading →

Even Chris Pratt Can’t Save The Tomorrow War

Chris Pratt may be one of the hottest stars in Hollywood right now. When you look over his resume, it’s not hard to see why. Movies like Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers and Jurassic World immediately jump off the page… Continue Reading →

Is Charlie Kaufman Really Thinking of Ending Things?

Per Matt I’ll admit, throughout the years, I’ve become somewhat obsessed with the writer, Charlie Kaufman (not to be confused with the director, Charlie Kaufman). Being John Malkovich was a pure joy. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was terribly… Continue Reading →

April Fools’ Day Prank Gives Observant Fans a Rick and Morty Surprise

Wubba lubba dub dub! 

Westworld and the Legacy of the Mystery Box

Westworld is the latest hit from HBO. It is also the Internet’s latest theory-generating obsession. But there’s one small thing about this obsession that has been bothering me.


Per Matt Ant-Man isn’t exactly a well-known character and Paul Rudd doesn’t exactly conjure the superhero archetype. Combining those contrasting elements, can Marvel Studios pull off the unthinkable and create another hit movie?


How far would you go, in order to survive?

Finding Bigfoot: United Kingdom

After searching for Bigfoot in seven countries and across three continents, the Finding Bigfoot crew has finally arrived in the United Kingdom.

Ghost Adventures: Ireland’s Celtic Demons

What kind of ancient entities lurk on the Emerald Isle?

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