Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag medieval fantasy

Does Oak Island Have a Portuguese Curse?

There have been many theories about what was once buried off the coast of Nova Scotia. They seem to multiply every year, and with each one, the legend of Oak Island’s curse continues to grow stronger. More than 200 years… Continue Reading →

The Northman is Brutal, But Anya is Brilliant!

Per Matt When you’re depicting an action-drama historical film that focuses on a medieval Scandinavian legend, which itself is the direct inspiration of Prince Hamlet’s character, you’ve got a great start. But when the movie in question is The Northman,… Continue Reading →

Derrickson’s Decision: Abandoning Strange Madness for Labyrinth Sequel

Per Matt Scott Derrickson’s Strange trip into the Marvel Cinematic Universe seems to have ended almost as quickly as it began.

Middle-Earth’s Origins are Revealed in Tolkien

Per Matt Bringing a writer’s life to the big screen and making it interesting has been a hit-or-miss proposition for Hollywood throughout the years. What can often be described as an isolated event, taking pen to paper (or more accurately… Continue Reading →

Prologue of Thrones

The first two episodes of Game of Thrones‘ final season have aired and it’s an incredibly slow burn of a pace instead of an action-packed dragon-fire scorcher. It seems more of a prologue of the season, rather than what we’ve… Continue Reading →

Disenchanted with Disenchantment

You might want to taper your expectations when watching this latest entry from the creator of The Simpsons and Futurama. I expected more from Matt Groening, but a couple episodes into watching Disenchantment, I became… oh, what’s the word I’m… Continue Reading →

Bright Lights and Cenobites: Cosplay at Hypericon 12

The great thing about Hypericon was that, at any given time you could find something for almost every fandom. From the artists and vendors to the panels and game rooms, there was a little bit of everything. My favorite part… Continue Reading →

Calling All Cosplayers: We’d Like to Interview You!

If you’re a cosplayer with unique costumes and you can offer something original, unlike anybody else, we’d like to interview you!

Game of Thrones: Mother’s Mercy

So, what’s with all these rumblings I keep hearing about Jon Snow? Supposedly, something controversial happened to him in the Season Finale of Game of Thrones.

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