Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag monster of the week

The Walking Dead Should ONLY Tell Anthology Stories

Per Matt I don’t think AMC network executives will ever be accused of leaving money on the table. Just as the basic cable channel spun-off Better Call Saul from Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead Universe has been heavily mined (and… Continue Reading →

Letting in The Babadook

Per Matt Interpretive horror films are the best. Sure, it can be frustrating no knowing exactly what has happened, since you never actually see the storyline play out on the screen, but it’s much better than being beaten over the… Continue Reading →

Musings of Watching 48 Hours of The X-Files

Per Matt Mulder. Scully. Episodes from the Good Old Days, even better than you remember them. Somehow, by accident, I found 48 Hours of The X-Files airing on BBC America and my mind started to wander to what could have been… Continue Reading →

Getting Ghosted

I’ll be the first one to admit it: Initially, I really didn’t understand the concept of Ghosted. And I’m still not exactly sure if the format works, overall, but now that I’m hooked, I’m finally getting it.

The X-Files: The Truth is Out There… and it is Disappointing!

I’ve waited almost 20 years for closure from The X-Files. Since 1993, I’ve watched Mulder and Scully investigate the darkest and most unbelievable supernatural phenomena, while plumbing the depths of conspiracy theory insanity to find “the truth.” After all the… Continue Reading →

Government Revelation Gives Proof That The Truth is Out There?

With the publication of The New York Time‘s bombshell report of a secret Pentagon UFO program, The X-Files is quickly transitioning from science fiction to science fact.


In this media-centric world we live in, finding good entertainment options can often be complicated. At home, I have satellite television, where there’s hundreds of options which I can watch, but there always seems to be nothing of interest on…. Continue Reading →

Will Season 11 of The X-Files be Worth the Wait?

For many years, X-Philes wondered if they would ever see another conspiracy investigated by Agents Mulder and Scully after The X-Files was originally cancelled. They looked back with nostalgic fondness and wondered, “What if…”

Re-Watching “Mulder and Scully Meet the Were-Monster”

I didn’t go out trick or treating on Halloween night. I didn’t watch a horror movie marathon or attend any haunted houses… I re-watched the best episode of The X-Files event series from last year: “Mulder and Scully Meet the… Continue Reading →

Scooby Apocalypse: All Bark, No Bite

I always wondered why Scooby and the gang never took any guns to stop the monsters that plagued their adventures and now I see why.

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