Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag October

Uzumaki Spirals into Animated Horrors

The Spooky Season often takes me to destinations I might not ordinarily visit, and I usually appreciate the journey. Now that October has arrived, it’s time to finally get into the Halloween spirit with something strange. Via its Toonami late-night… Continue Reading →

Nashville Film Festival Shorts and Spirit Halloween: The Movie

It’s the first day of October and that means it’s an all-new day at the Nashville Film Festival… so it’s time to watch some all-new entertainment! Matt takes a look at the short films Shedding Angels, OST. and Night of… Continue Reading →

CBS’ Ghosts Unearths Spirits of Beetlejuice

Per Matt October is here, so spooky spirits must be near. As a Child of the ’80s, I was intrigued by the paranormal. So, when a filmmaker fascinated by the macabre (Tim Burton) brought an undead hellraiser (Michael Keaton) to… Continue Reading →

Eli Roth Explores More History of Horror

Per Matt The very best of AMC’s FearFest is back with a vengeance! Halloween arrives early as Eli Roth’s History of Horror debuts before the mid-way point of October, ensuring more than enough mayhem ensues in October.

Doctor Sleep Awakens the Ghosts of Stephen King’s Past

Per Matt Stephen King and Halloween go hand in hand, but here it is, early November, and another adaptation of a King novel hits the big screen in hopes of continuing the spooky spirit for a little bit longer.

FearFest and Other Horror Options for 2019

Per Matt For the love of Edison, I’ve seen the light!

Ghost Nation Offers Something Old, Something New

For 12 years, Ghost Hunters aired on Syfy, as Grant Wilson and Jason Hawes transitioned from part-time Roto-Rooter plumbers to full-time paranormal investigators, creating a hit reality TV show while inspiring many imitators along the way. It’s been six years… Continue Reading →

What’s in Store for AMC’s FearFest?

Each year, I patiently await October’s arrival for multiple reasons and this year, I was especially curious to see what AMC’s FearFest had in store for fans in the mood for some Halloween scares.

Movies in the Spirit of Halloween

There are friends I know who wait all year to watch Halloween movies the same way some people wait to watch Christmas movies. I’m not just talking about scary movies — although Scary Movie does take place at Halloween. I’m… Continue Reading →

The Only Streaming Horror Movie Guide You Need for Halloween

Are you a Halloween fanatic? Too many platforms and not enough time got you stressed? My goodness, you have to read five articles just to figure out what is coming to Netflix. Let’s not get started with Amazon Prime, and… Continue Reading →

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