Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag original series

Shock Docs Declares: This Is Halloween!

With apologies to John Lennon, so this is Halloween… it’s the best time of year. And what have you done? But spread spooky cheer. I hope you have fun, to the old and the young. Shock Docs proclaims, this is… Continue Reading →

Bad Timing: A Romantic Comedy with Zombies

Bad Timing is a web series all about Andy, a lovably awkward IT guy whose main defense mechanism in any uncomfortable situation is to crack jokes and laugh. Living at the end of the world, he’s fast becoming a comedy… Continue Reading →

Stan Against Evil: Gore, Giggles and Learning to Love Horror Comedy Again

Stan Against Evil returned to Starz/IFC this past month for its second season and, as expected, has delivered with a beautifully awkward storyline and cinematic style that rivals and even tops the first season.

Marvel Mutates Source Material Into a Gifted TV Series

When a television pilot introduces a new series with characters who are, “a couple of freaks, same as you,” I immediately perked up. The Gifted had my full attention. Maybe this wasn’t going to be the generic teeny bopper-outsiders soap opera… Continue Reading →

EPIX Attempts to Get Shorty

Per Matt Back in 1994, Quentin Tarantino made a name for himself with the release of Pulp Fiction and John Travolta’s casting felt like an act of genius. But for Travolta’s comeback to be complete, he’d have to follow up… Continue Reading →

GLOW Delivers Hits and Misses for Netflix

Welcome back to #HauntLife. This week, I am going to give my thoughts on the Netflix series, GLOW. Yes… GLOW. I know, you probably are wondering what this has to do with haunting and horror and such. But just ignore… Continue Reading →

Legion and the History of Madness

What then is this fascination which now operates through the images of madness?   – Michel Foucault, “Madness and Civilization”

Stranger Things Have Not Happened

Many of the things we enjoyed when we were younger bring us feelings of nostalgia. Just remembering what once was, what shaped us and the cultural reflection of the time can be uplifting. But now, for fans of ’80s sci-fi… Continue Reading →

Voltron: Legendary Defender — A Light and Fun Adventure

“Why do they have to form Voltron every time?” my 6-year-old pondered. When I was his age, I had the same thought. Some things never change.

The Flash: How to Do a Superhero Show Right

Every time Grant Gustin says, “My name is Barry Allen and I’m the fastest man alive,” I get chills. I get goosebumps when I hear the opening voiceover, stirring string music pulsing in the background and the iconic shot of… Continue Reading →

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