Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Peter Dinklage

A Wicked Review by Someone Who Hasn’t Seen the Stage Show

Before watching Jon Chu’s adaptation of Wicked, I felt like the only person who had never seen the famous Broadway musical. I didn’t grow up in a family that attended musicals, although we did enjoy the music from Cats and… Continue Reading →

Prologue of Thrones

The first two episodes of Game of Thrones‘ final season have aired and it’s an incredibly slow burn of a pace instead of an action-packed dragon-fire scorcher. It seems more of a prologue of the season, rather than what we’ve… Continue Reading →

Black Panther’s Infinity Timeline

Superhero fans can finally celebrate the official introduction of Thanos into the Marvel Cinematic Universe this week as the character hits the big screen in Avengers: Infinity War, appearing in more than just a post-credits scene. But before we approach… Continue Reading →

Bowl Ads Post-Game: Winners & Losers

It’s time! Finally, at long last!

GoT Season 7 Premiere: Revenge, Survival and the Fluctuation of Power

“When people ask you what happened here, tell them the North remembers. Tell them winter came for House Frey.”

Game of Thrones: Mother’s Mercy

So, what’s with all these rumblings I keep hearing about Jon Snow? Supposedly, something controversial happened to him in the Season Finale of Game of Thrones.

Game of Thrones: Episode Five — A Nest of Vipers

House Forrester has declared war on multiple fronts! There is an internal struggle as a traitor is exposed, as well as evil external forces that threaten the very existence of the entire family tree in Game of Thrones: Episode Five… Continue Reading →


Per Matt What if NASA sent a message of peace into space, only to be misconstrued as a sign of war by extraterrestrials?

Game of Thrones: Episode Three – The Sword in the Darkness

Will House Forrester’s legacy go up in smoke? Find out in Game of Thrones: Episode Three – The Sword in the Darkness.

Game of Thrones: A Day in the Life

With so many intricate details, Game of Thrones is probably the most complex program ever to be produced for television. Preparing for Season 5, this behind-the-scenes special highlights one day, with on-location filming in three countries: Croatia, Northern Ireland and… Continue Reading →

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