Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag riddles

I Saw the TV Glow Questions Reality

Throughout the years of writing reviews, I’ve had the privilege of experiencing some of the greatest films in cinematic history. While movies that earn a perfect five-star rating are rare, their scarcity makes them all the more precious. These films… Continue Reading →

The Riddler May be The Batman’s Greatest Villain

Riddle me this. Riddle me that. Who’s the biggest threat to the big, black bat? It’s a question that has been presented to Batman fans since the character was introduced. For many (including myself) the only true threat that the… Continue Reading →

Brooklyn Nine-Nine Works Best When Real Life Isn’t Involved

Per Matt A funny thing happened between Season 7 and Season 8 of Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Real life. While the Coronavirus may have delayed the series’ production schedule pushing back the current season premiere a little later than usual, that wasn’t… Continue Reading →

Making a Life-or-Death Decision: Play or Die!

Per Matt Gamers have gotten a bad rap throughout the years via feature films (and through a variety of TV shows). It takes all kinds of people to make up any sort of generic category, and I contend that you’ll… Continue Reading →

Is The Curse of Oak Island Any Closer to Being Solved?

If there’s one thing The Curse of Oak Island resolved in the two-hour season finale, it’s that Marty, Rick and the rest of the treasure-hunting crew keep getting closer… but to what? For the most part, the only answers they’re… Continue Reading →

Digging the Mystery of Oak Island

As the Lagina Brothers dig into the complex, multilayered 200-year-old mystery that lies below Oak Island, numerous clues, theories and circumstantial evidence have all been presented (many of which have been disproved), along with a decent amount of documentation that has backed up… Continue Reading →

Transworld’s Halloween & Attractions Show Blew My Mind… Again!

From March 17th – 20th, the beautiful city of St Louis, MO, was the home for one of the most-anticipated annual events for most haunters. I call it many things: My vacation, my haunters holiday and my Christmas in March. But… Continue Reading →

Escape Rooms: The Next Big Thing in Haunting

Greetings followers. Jason Kittrell here, back again with this installment of #HauntLife. A new year always brings new things and in this episode, I plan on exploring the world of the escape room, or what I now see as the… Continue Reading →

The X-Files: Year Zero

Mulder and Scully inadvertently explore the origins of The X-Files, as two simultaneous storylines converge in Year Zero.

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